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Heart and SOLE

"Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini" - Success is not the work of an individual, but the work of many.

SOLE- Win Young Enterprise Company of the year.

What is in your teaching Highlight package this year? I often use this with fellow teachers and my ākonga to highlight our success.

A trip to Wellington produced nearly dozens of highlights:

  • Meeting various culturally and neuro-diverse ākonga leveraging their diversity as capital.

  • Watching a young Auckland entrepreneur talk to his plant.

  • Meeting a seemingly endless amount of talented rangatahi and their supporters.

  • Sharing a taxi with Rohm Dixon and Karearea Bowden-McClutchie of Coffee direct, a business operating out of Rotorua Boys High School.

  • Accompanying Mrs. Brown on her final hurrah before placement in Rarotonga.

All are amazing in their own right. The moment that three humbled girls from my Kura were announced national champions will live with me for a long time.

For them to have Rohm Dixon and Karearea Bowden-McClutchie acknowledge their efforts with a rousing haka. Too much for a tired and emotional Trickey.

I could not be prouder of them. To be this good you need to follow your heart and SOLE.

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